Hoinomese Civil War

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The Hoinomese Civil War is an ongoing multi-sided armed conflict in the Imperial Kingdom of Hôinom fought between the Hôinomese government, along with its allies, and various forces opposing both the monarchist government and each other in varying combinations.

The unrest in Hôinom grew out of disconent with the central government as consequence of severe drought and floods which resulted in the dead of thousands of peasants, and escalated to an armed conflict after protests were violently suppressed. The war is being fought by several factions: the Imperial Kingdom of Hôinom with Empress Hông as head of state, several far-right monarchist factions, anti-monarchist and revolutionary factions, and the separatist Bhmer rebels in the north, with a number of countries in the region and beyond being either directly involved or providing support to one or another faction.

International organizations have accused the Hoinomese government, opposition rebel groups, and the Bhmer separatists of severe human rights violations and massacres. The conflict has caused a refugee crisis. Over the course of the war, a number of peace initiatives have been launched, but fighting continues.


Hôinom became an independent country in 1510 following centuries of Oslanburgan rule. Monarchy was reinstated in 1519, and following a coup d'etat shortly afterwards, an absolute monarchy was imposed with Lâm Thâng Duông as Emperor of Hôinôm. Under Emperor Nguyên, there was a popular uprising in the late 1540s, which was crushed by the military and pro-monarchist groups. Upon Emperor Nguyên's death 1557, his wife Xuân was proclaimed Regent. This period was dominated by military centralization, corruption, but also industrial modernization and economic growth. In 1568, Nguyên's only daughter, Hông, was crowned as Empress of the Imperial Kingdom of Hôinôm at the age of 16.

Protests in 1579, led to the appointment of moderate Prime Minister Bûi Quang An, who promulgated some liberal reforms and called for the first national parliamentary elections in sixty years. Empress Hông promised that she will sign any constitutional draft passed by the parliament, but after the fall of the election of a righ-wing monarchist majority in the national assembly -which reserved 1/3 of the seats for the nobility and military leadership- and fall of Bûi Quang An's government in 1582, this promise was never put into practice. Under Prime Minister Quang Công Quang, many of the reforms during Bûi Quang An's government were unconcluded or even rejected, although parliamentary activity continued, and a new right-wing majority was reelected in the 1587 election, in which electoral fraud was denounced by opposition groups.


24 Zechyr 1579 Viceroy Arcturus Neretus, heir to the New Galasian throne, is murdered in a terrorist attack in Eastmarch, along his sister Princess Lucana, the Deputy First Minister of Eastmarch, the Goldecian ambassador, a Mestran general, the Strathaen consul in Eastmarch, and the head of the Ostrid Church in New Galasian. The terrorists were a group of soldiers linked to a radical Akhadist terror organization.
Quartyr 18, 1589 Protests in Tay Lanh
Quartyr 18-21, 1589 Protests spread to nearby provinces.
Quartyr 22, 1589 Rebellion in Sông Lôm, Hoa Làk.
Quartyr 27-28, 1589 Governor Vuong Quang Vang is unable to contain the riots.
Fein 11-12, 1589 Violence erupts in Ving Dèng.
Fein 14, 1589 Political council formed in Tay Lanh.
Fein 18, 1589 Prime Minister Quang Công Quang announces the mobilization of Armed Forces in several provinces, after rioters attack state forces in Quang Cai.
Fein 21, 1589 Parliament rejects to call a parliamentary committe to investigate the violence and the causes of the famine.
Fein 24, 1589 Riots in Biam Hông province. Government declares state of emergency in 12 of 31 provinces.
Fein 26, 1589 “Regional Committee” estabished in Khanh Tum. Similar committees established in nearby provinces.
Fein 27, 1589 A police statation is attacked by armed crowd in Yen Nông.
Zechyr 2-10, 1589 Violence increases in southeastern regions. Government announces that several governors to be sacked.
Zechyr 14, 1589 A group of special forces troops are furiously attacked by a mob in Hoa Làk.
Zechyr 15, 1589 Prime Minister Quang Công Quang announces state of emergency in all country.
Zechyr 16-22, 1589 Violence increases in most southern regions.
Zechyr 27, 1589 Riots in Khanh Tum. Insurgency increases in the northern provinces.
Septem 4, 1589 Students join protests in the Imperial University of Nam Dinh.
Septem 25-26, 1589 Student protests in Hôi Luỳên.
Septem 27, 1589 National unions call for a five-day general strike on Ochtyr 10.
Ochtyr 8, 1589 Rebellion in Hoa Lák. Riots in Sông Lôm province.
Ochtyr 11, 1589 Prime Minister Quang Công Quang announces reshuffle of government. Nghiêm Vàn Bào is announced Minister of National Security.
Ochtyr 22, 1589 National government orders closure of school and universities and restriction on consumer goods.
Ochtyr 22-26, 1589 Reports on the existance of pro-government para-military groups.
Nueva 11, 1589 144 of 222 MP pass a parliamentary resolution giving full confidence to Prime Minister Quang Công Quang. Riots in central and eastern Hoinom.
Nueva 19, 1589 Revolutionary forces take Tay Lanh. Rebellion continues in Hoa Làk and Kêt Nôi.
Nueva 28, 1589 Commitee of Public Salvation is formed in Tay Lanh, headed by Lâ Vân Quân.
Dein 2, 1589 Another Commitee of Public Salvation is formed in Quang Cai.
Dein 4, 1589 Quang Cai’s Committee of Public Salvation calls for the release of political prisoners and the suspension of the state of emergency.
Dein 18-20, 1589 Minh Xân falls on rebel control.
Dein 22, 1589 Yên Nông National Airport is attacked by rural guerrilla fighters.
Dein 28, 1589 Empress Hông calls for an end of violence. Armed Forces are forced to withdraw from Pha Làm province.
Elva 4-7, 1589 Rebellion is crushed in Vin Xuỳên.
Elva 10-22, 1589 Hundreds are killed in Namd Dinh, Hôi Luỳên, Bâc Duong and Yên Nông, in crashes between state forces and protesters.
Tolven 12, 1589 Nationalist Party convention in Màu Vàng, the first one in Hoinomese soil since the 1550s.
Tolden 18-22, 1589 Violent erupts in the northern provinces. Prime Minister Quang Công Quang orders the deployment of military forces in the northern provinces.
Tolven 26-28, 1589 Several ethnic Bhmer officers leave their posts, joining the insurgency in some cases. Minister Bào orders a purge of ethnic Bhmer from the ranks of the police. Insurgency intensifies.


Foreign involvement

Media coverage

International reactions


Peace efforts


Post-war division and reconciliation

See also